The Digital Nomad Mom

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5 Facts About Pigs

Dream Time Sanctuary in Elgin Texas. 

5 Facts About Pigs: 
1. Pigs communicate constantly with each other and more than 20 different vocalizations have been identified.
2. Pigs are highly intelligent and incredibly social animals. When kept in a group they will snuggle close to one another and prefer to sleep nose to nose. 
3. Pigs dream
4. Pigs can recognize voices of their mothers and can recognize their own names. Mother's will often sing to their young while nursing. 
5. Pigs are very clean animals. If given sufficient space they will be very careful not to soil the area where they sleep and eat.

Pigs, like all sentient beings, feel pain. They are incredibly social animals and communicate to each other. They are no different than our dogs or cats which is why it is so painful to know that the humane way pigs are slaughtered here in the US is by being crammed together to be gassed by CO2 in gas chambers. We are better than this. Please keep them off of your plate and put an end to the cruelty of animal abuse against pigs for meat. I used to think that if I stopped eating meat, I couldn't make a difference because the world could continue to slaughter animals, but that doesn't stop me from speaking for these animals and doing what I can to put an end to their suffering, but I know I alone cannot save these animals. You too can help. The more people who stop eating these beautiful babies, the less of a demand there will be for their flesh. Together we can create a better world for pigs where they are safe and loved.

Dream Time Sanctuary in Elgin Texas