Easy Vegan Sugar Cookies

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Do you want to make cookies that everyone can enjoy this year at Thanksgiving or Christmas? These cookies are perfect for just about all dietary needs including vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free. 

Let’s face it, people are getting smart about food and that’s a good thing! Not everyone can eat the traditional desserts with eggs, dairy, or gluten anymore so it’s time to break out your best baking skills and impress your family and friends this year with a dessert made for all.

What I love about these sugar cookies is that they are easy and take just 7 ingredients to make! On Christmas Eve I am typically baking up a storm with flour all over me, no make up on, my hair in a messy bun, and overwhelmed at all the dishes everywhere from baking cookies for Christmas dinner. Ya’ll it is a mess!

Well, I am so glad I was able to create these cookies that are simple, easy, and so sinfully sweet no one will ever guess they are vegan! Here’s some of the key ingredients I used to make these sugar cookies perfect!


Vegan Butter: Yes, there is vegan butter out there and no it doesn’t taste weird. It tastes exactly like butter made from cow’s milk except it’s made from plants. The vegan butter I use is Earth Balance Vegan Butter. It’s creamy, smooth, and has the perfect buttery taste for baking. This is my go to butter brand! 

Plant-Based Milk: For this recipe you can use any plant-based milk of your choice. I used almond milk for this recipe, but oat, coconut, or cashew would also work well. 

Maple Syrup: If you are an avid baker you probably have vanilla extract or almond extract laying around, but if you aren’t or are in a pinch, use maple syrup. I typically always have some in my fridge and it really does the trick if you don’t have any extract laying around in the cupboard. 


Flour: For this recipe I used all purpose flour but if you want to make them gluten free I would recommend using Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 Gluten Free flour. In my opinion, Bob’s Red Mill is the most consistent gluten free flour for baking. 

Honestly with these ingredients you can’t go wrong! If you want to make them extra fancy and festive, check out this recipe for making vegan royal icing or use some colorful sprinkles like I did below. 

I hope you enjoy this recipe and so do your family and friends. It is always so nice to bring a dish that so many people can enjoy. It means so much to people who are vegan that they are not left out in the festivities and that you have thought to include them as you bring your dish to the family gathering or office potluck. I thank you for trying this recipe. Just by baking these cruelty free sugar cookies you’ve made a difference today for our world and for the animals we share it with.

Easy Vegan Sugar Cookies